Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Beer Tasting: Redchurch East End Saison

I picked this beer up at the brewery a while back. As you can tell, it pours clear gold, energetic with lively carbonation and a billowing, frothy white head. The aroma is dominated by saison yeast character, with accents of damp grass, ripe lemon, faint sweat, doughy wheat bread. Its medium sweet flavor holds hints of white sugar, rich wheat bread, some boozy kick, bitter lemon rind and slight grass, yeast, mild phenols. Medium to full bodied with active carbonation. Finishes sweet and lightly warming, with further dominant yeast, light citric astringency, pale bread, alcohol, grass and rind. The balance and ’drinkability’ could be better, but it isn't bad overall.

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